Our wedding shows are a great destination for inspiration for your BIG day. Meet a huge range of wedding experts and businesses who can provide everything you need for those I Do’s.
Check out some amazing venues and their wedding teams so they can craft the special day the way you want.
Your one stop shop for your BIG Day, with a huge Jimmy Choo give away and LIVE catwalks, see our upcoming dates.
The ultimate destination for Wedding fayres in Huddersfield. Get the Inspiriation you need for your big day and connect with top wedding suppliers. Our wedding shows are a great destination for inspiration for your BIG day. Meet a huge range of wedding experts and businesses who can provide everything you need for those I Do’s.
Check out some amazing venues and their wedding teams so they can craft the special day the way you want.
Meet some amazing suppliers at our shows. Whether that be photographers, cakes, wedding decor or even florists – we have a huge range of dedicated wedding experts on hand to supply for your big day.
Meet some amazing suppliers at our shows. Whether that be photographers, cakes, wedding decor or even florists – we have a huge range of dedicated wedding experts on hand to supply for your big day.
Your one stop shop for your BIG Day, with a huge Jimmy Choo give away and LIVE catwalks, see our upcoming dates.
Introducing WedTalks, NEW for 2024 to our BIG Wedding SHows in Leeds, Barnsley & Huddersfield.
We bring together industry experts to bring you 18 minute bite sized chunks of advice tailored for your big day. Watch the talks live at the big wedding show for FREE, or replay back here.
Keep uo to date with our weekly email with regular wedding fayres, blod posts and new
Johnson & Saunders Ltd
Burbeary Rd, Lockwood, Huddersfield HD1 3UN
Company Registration No: 08936671
VAT Registration No: 182519496
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